USA Directories - Maryland

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USA town and city directories are a valuable source of genealogical information. The entries below are taken from a huge index provided online by Ancestry. Because the original index was created by OCR software, there are numerous errors and omissions. Every endeavour has been made to correct these errors although there is every possibility that some have been missed and, because of the huge volume of data, others may have crept in due to keyboarding slips.

The database occasionally includes additional information not normally associated with street and trade directories. Occasionally a date of death and age at death are recorded besides a note of a marriage. Additionally, if someone leaves the district, the name of the destination can be given - sometimes just the name of a state, but quite often the name of the town or city.

Name Surname Title Year Address Residence Place State Occupation Spouse
H W Faskett - 1927 13 Rockwood av (Hamilton) Baltimore Maryland salesman -
James C Foskett - 1897 1314 Hull Baltimore Maryland printer -
James C Foskett - 1897 1314 Hull Baltimore Maryland decorator -
James C Foskett - 1898 1314 Hull Baltimore Maryland decorator -
James C Foskett - 1899 1314 Hull Baltimore Maryland decorator -
Herbert W Foskett - 1927 13 Rockwood av Baltimore Maryland salesman Grace E Foskett
Grace E Foskett - 1927 13 Rockwood av Baltimore Maryland wife of Herbert W Foskett
James H Foskett - 1928 2 Maryland av Annapolis Maryland Lieut P G -

© Sandra J Smith MBE 2015