Notes for: Ernest George FOSKETT

Notes for: Ernest George FOSKETT

1891 Living in parental home in Berkhampstead
1901 Living in parental home in Berkhampstead
London Gazette 6821 12 September 1924
In the matter of a Deed of Assignment for the benefit of creditors, executed the 2nd day of June 1924 by Ernest George Foskett of 2 Gravel Path, Berkhamsted, in the county of Hertford, Baker and Confectioner.
The creditors of the abovenamed Ernest George Foskett, who have not already sent in their claims, and assented to the deed of assignment, are required, on or before the 11th day of October 1924 to assent thereto, and to send their names and addresses, and particulars of their debts or claims, and be prepared to prove the same to me, the undersigned, Henry McLellan, of the firm of J Mc:e;;an & Sons, Incorporated Accountatnts, of 6A, Devonshire Square. Bishopsgate, London EC2, the Trustee under the said deed, or in default thereof, they will be excluded from the benefit of the devidend proposed to be paid. Dated this 9th day of September, 1924
Henry McLellan, 61 Devonshire Square (o64) Bishopgate, London, EC2, Trustee.
Executor of sister in law Ellen Louisa in 1943.
Worked for Herts County Council.
Probate: 01 Apr 1950 Ernest George Foskett of 1 Elmgrove, Berkhampstead, Hrt
died 03 Nov 1949 Adm: London
Ex: Ada Elizabeth Foskett, widow
Value of Estate: £193.5s.4d