Notes for: Henry FOSKETT

1851 Living in parental home in Grandborough.
1861 Living in parental home in Grandborough, Bucks
May have been a child of Rosannah's before her marriage to William, who took the Foskett name.
As there is no sign of Henry after 1861 Census, it is believed that this article may apply to him:
1862 Thu Aug 21 The Leeds Mercury
Local and General
The Saltmarshe Boat Accident
The bodies of the two men who were drowned in the Ouse at Saltmarshe, near Howden, by the capsizing of a boat on the 7th inst, have not yet been recovered. They were both, we understand, from Goole, and there names were Henry Foskitt and - Foster. Foskitt was only 19 years of age and his friends have offered a reward for the recovery of his body.