Notes for: Alfred Charles FOSKETT

Birthdate given as 13 Sep 1876 in School admissions Register

1881 Living in parental home in Bethnal Green.
1891 Living in parental home in Bethnal Green.
1897 Tue Aug 24 Daily News
Sunday in Bethnal Green
When six men of rough appearance were put in the dock at the Worship Street Police Court yesterday, there appeared in the witness box a man with his head enveloped in bandages, and a woman with a black eye and tattered clothing, it was evident that a lively hour was before the court. The accused were James Hart, 60 and George Tiddiman, Louis Steib, Walter Hart, Alfred Fosket, and Thomas Sayes, young men from 20 to 25 years old.
The prosecutor, William Berry, said Hart was landlord of a house in Husten Street, Bethnal Green, and he (Berry) a lodger with his wife and family. There had been a long feud and Hart brought in men from time to time to make a row with him (Berry). Hart had been bound over to keep the peace, and that was his grievance. There was "rowing" on Saturday night and on Sunday afternoon, when he (Berry) was in his room with his family, his door was suddenly broken in, and Tiddimas entered with a big stick and hit him over the head. The other prisoners, with two more not apprehended, followed Tiddiman to the room, all armed with sticks, and beat him about the body. Tiddiman seized a chair and hit him over the head, and others proceeded to break up his furniture. The prisoner Hart, an irascible old man, declared that the prosecutor was a perjurer and a liar, and that Berry had burst into his room when he was having dinner in pursuit of Steib, who had been invited to "sit down and have a baked potato" - Mr Corser: What does the man who had the baked potato say about it? Steib (the man alluded to) then began to make a statement, the prisoner, Hart, frequently interrupting and threatening the prosecutor with proceedings for perjury. - Mr Corser said that it seemed to him Hart thought he had a bad tenant in Berry and "had tried to make it so hot for him that he would get out of it". But it was not lawful, and Hart and Tiddiman were fined 20s each, and Steib, Walter Hart and Fosket 10s each, Sayce being discharged.
1901 Hackney
RG13/224/130 Page 38
Schedule 210 3 Andrews Rd
Home of Orton Langton
Alfred Foskitts Board S 23 Cabinet Maker Bethnal Green
Sister Maria listed as NOK on RAF enlistment papers